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Monday, September 23, 2013

Henry's Day when he gets his way

Feeling like Mom of the year right now. Henry told me all about his day after I left for work this morning.

Henry pitched a fit and REFUSED to put on a jacket which meant he ended up staying inside during recess.

He told his daycare teacher he ate breakfast so he didn't have to with the intention of eating at kindergarten because it's new and cool and then couldn't eat there without a note from home so he didn't have breakfast at all.

Then he "couldn't find" his take-home folder and told his teacher we didn't put it in his bookbag when all he had to do was LOOK better.

So he went to school on a chilly day with no jacket, no breakfast and no take-home folder and I have to come to terms with the fact that I can prepare and plan all I want, but I can't do everything for him.

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